Tornadoes - April 27, 2011

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  • Hi, my name is Jan Owen. I am a woman following, loving, seeking and worshiping Jesus. These writings are my thoughts as I journey through both the pains and joys of life. After serving as a worship pastor for 15 years, I am now a worship missionary, serving as the President of the Give Worship Project, Inc., a non-profit 501(c)3 organization to help equip indigenous church leaders, particularly in the area of worship. You can donate by using the DONATE button below. All your gifts are tax-deductible and very appreciated. Thanks! Check it out!

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    « Break for Sabbatical Update | Main | Random Thoughts »

    April 24, 2008


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    Good for you for being honest! Don't you feel better now? ;) Love you.


    Do I even have to say anything? Didn't think so.

    Love and respect, sister.


    What a great blog. I just read an article in a journal called "Christian Ethics Today" The article's title,"Women in Christian Ministry" was written by Fisher Humphreys, Beeson Divinity School. It was from a book called "Putting Women in their Place". The publisher is Smyth and Helwys. I am giving you all this because as a woman in ministry it will validate you and encourage you. It was a real eye opener for me and since it is Baptist(we Baptist are way behind in getting this idea that everyone can minister), it especially got my attention. The article named many women leaders in the Bible and spoke to Jesus'attitude toward women. It is definately worth checking out. Hang in there sister, when God calls you , it really doesn't matter what other people think.

    Jenni Catron

    Thank you for your story! It's great to find another women in church leadership from whom I can learn and grow. Thank you!


    good stuff


    What a great and thought provoking post. The bias against what a woman's role is "supposed" to be does not exist just in ministry, it happens in the average work place to. Having been there, I know what a hard place it is to work in. Thank you for sharing.


    In looking back over your past posts, this one I remember well. It reminds me that we've got to stand where God calls us, but that it is definitely not easy (which I'm learning A LOT here lately!) This really stands out to me personally:

    "Being a forerunner in many ways is an uncomfortable place to be. To challenge the status quo or people’s cultural norms is just not a path I would have chosen. But I see God using it."

    Thank you for all your authenticity and open heart in all your share, Jan. You are such a blessing and I'm glad to have found your blog! :)

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